This type of stone is mineral, and after the required processes, it is broken and polished in the factory. These stones have different colors, including: white, green, yellow, red, …

Examples of the use of these stones include the following : 1. Creating beautiful scenery inside and outside buildings 2. Landscape 3. Park 4. Garden area 5. Villa and pool 6. Stone fountains and ponds 7. Footpaths in the green space 8. Roof Garden 9. Construction of dry streams 10. Construction of concrete wash and




Gravel (Sand ) : a type of gravel that is one of the materials needed in various industries, especially construction.

Examples of the use of these stones include the following : 1. Concrete: more than 75% of concrete materials are gravel 2. Embankment 3. Road construction: It is used for underlaying and road leveling 4. Industrial uses 5. Asphalt: It has different uses depending on the type of asphalt 6. Erosion resistant layers 7. Permeable and impermeable materials and…



It is a very light volcanic stone that can only be extracted in volcanic areas. These stones are known as mineral pumice.

Examples of the use of these stones include the following : 1. Production of all kinds of light cement blocks 2. Fabric dyeing 3. Building floor filler and roof slope 4. Use in the construction of fountains 5. Making all kinds of lightweight concrete with high strengt 6. Optimal use of soil volume 7. Conserving water and gradually transferring it to the soil 8. Thermal insulation for cold stores and greenhouses and covering of thermal pipes and…
